The Home Of The Vampire Chronicles and The Lives Of The Mayfair Witches! |
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n a m e :: Craig Listera g e :: 21a g e o f s i t e :: 1 year old, 3 Months e x :: Maleh e i g h t :: 5' 8 half"e y e s :: Dark Brownh a i r :: Dark Brownn a t i o n a l i t y :: Britishl i k e s ::drinks - evian water, orange & cranberry juice, vodka, larger or wine, milk, coffee.online - blackstar.co.uk, yahoo mail, slay-uk, web designing.television - buffy, angel, x-files, haunted, stargate sg-1, enterprise, dream team, most haunted, friends, simpsons, smallville, quantum leap, will & grace, scrubs, footballbooks - The Vampire Lestat, Exit To Eden, Once Burned, The Witching Hour, Belindamovies - Freddy vs Jason, Interview With The Vampire, matrix, Ghost Ship, Mission Impossible 1 + 2, harvey, bring it on, Blade 1 + 2.music -rock, skater punk, some r&bd i s l i k e s :: close-minded people and people who aren't themselves. |
O N W E B D E S I G N I N G ::I: How long have you been designing sites? C: I've been a web designer for about five years now and in that time I've had six sites. Only one of these sites are still up and running. I have also gained a few qualifications in this subject since starting. I: If you could give anyone who is new at web designing any tips what would you say. C: Basically I would say practice make a few sites even if you do not attend to publish them this is to refine your skill. Always design your site layout on paper before you begin to make it, so you have a template on what it could look like. And try and get a few text books to read up on how to create a successful site. NEVER direct link or STEAL other peoples material. I: So how long did it take to do this site? C: Round about one month and one week to make the site. And about two weeks to redesign the site. O N T H E B O O K S ::I: Have you been a fan of Anne Rice for long? C: I enjoyed Interview With The Vampire the movie in 1995 but I didn't start reading her books until late 2002. So I guess no! I: What is your favourite vampire chronicle or new tale of the vampire book? C: The Vampire Lestat is my favourite at the moment I: Have you any other Anne Rice book you like? C: Yeah Exit to Eden is my non-vampire chronicle fav (6/2/03) I: What are your thoughts on the meaning of the books. C: What the books mean to me? Well I guess it would be the sense of loneliness as I think we can all relate to once and a while in our lifes the sense of struggling to deal with something that can't be changed. But also some of the novels are a quite dark in my opinion and I like that. |
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RUE ROYALE: LESTATS COVEN is a The Vampire Chronicles fan based site. All character names, book covers are copyright and regestered trade marks of Anne Rice and Arrow Books. This site is a non-profit site for information and entertainment purpose only. No infrigement intended. All rights reserved.